Water Consumption

How much water should we drink a day?

The Institute of Medicine indicated in a report that the general recommendations for men are approximately 3.7 liters (125 ounces daily) of total water, and for women are approximately 2.7 liters (91 ounces) of total water from all beverages and foods each day.

(What five gallons of water look like)

Drinking a gallon (128 ounces) of water a day  is a "kidney water cleanse" and is usually enough the clean the kidneys, unless you have lower back pains from kidney stones. Kidney stones and gravel can be dissolved and expelled from the body using a "Watermelon Cleanse" or a "Herbal Kidney Cleanse."

How to Drink a Gallon of Water a Day to Lose Weight

Recent research suggests that a person who drinks a lot of water every day enjoys better digestion and may lose weight quickly. According to Dr. Brenda Davy, people who drink a couple glasses of water before a meal tend to eat up to 75 fewer calories at that particular sitting. Even though this amount might not seem impressive at first, Davy claims it can help you lose 10 pounds or more within a year.

Step 1
Drink two glasses of water right after you wake up. Make sure each glass holds approximately 8 ounces or water. An easy way to accomplish this is by filling a 16-ounce water bottle and placing it beside your bed each night so you always have easy access to water.

Step 2
Take one glass of water before you have breakfast. Then, during breakfast, drink an additional glass, which will help you digest your meal better and ensure that you start the day well hydrated.

Step 3
Enjoy three glasses of water in the period before lunch. If you exercise during this part of the day, drink additional water to replenish the reserves you expel through perspiration.

Step 4
Drink two glasses of water with lunch. If your lunch is protein- or fiber-heavy, drink one more glass of water to help digestion.

Step 5
Consume at least three glasses of fresh water in the period between lunch and dinner. Add a slice of lemon to give your drink a refreshing flavor. Don't add sugar, which reduces the effectiveness of the water.

Step 6
Wash down dinner with another two glasses of water. You should have consumed nearly a gallon of water by this time. It is important to drink the majority of your water before late evening to help reduce restroom stops during the night.

Step 7
Take one glass of water with a late-night snack. It is easy to confuse the feeling of thirst with hunger, but no matter how much you eat, only water will quench your thirst. Washing down a light snack with water will help you reduce late-night munching and facilitate digestion throughout the night.

(Coleman 1-Gallon Jug)

$6.88 @ Walmart

Tips and Warnings

Even if you are concerned about your weight, do not drink enormous amounts of water, which may lead to hyponatremia, a condition characterized by low levels of sodium in the blood. Symptoms include irritability, confusion and, in severe cases, coma.

The human body has a hard time differentiating between hunger and thirst. This means that people who don't drink enough water during the day often confuse thirst with hunger, and end up eating more at meals than they should.

Lemon or Lime Juice Cleanse

-According to the Mayo Clinic, the citric acid in lemon or lime juice may be effective in reducing calcium levels in the urine which reduces the risk of developing calcium kidney stones.

For this type of kidney cleanse, combine:
2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice,
2 tablespoons of organic maple syrup,
1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper,
10 to 14 ounces of spring or purified water, lukewarm in temperature.

(Drink this mixture three times a day for three to five days.)

 In-between you are allowed to drink other diluted fruit or vegetable juices, water and herbal teas as well as eat fresh vegetables and fruits. The goal is to drink at least one gallon of diluted juice each day.

Cranberry Juice Cleanse

Step 1
Drink 6 to 8 cups of water per day. This will ensure that your blood volume stays high and the active ingredients in your kidney cleanse are rapidly delivered to your kidneys.  Drinking a gallon of water a day is a "kidney water cleanse" and is usually enough to clean the kidneys, unless you have lower back pains from kidney stones. Kidney stones and gravel can be dissolved and expelled from the body using a "Watermelon Cleanse" or a "Herbal Kidney Cleanse."

Step 2
Drink 1 to 2 cups of unsweetened cranberry juice per day.

Step 3
(Milk Thistle)

(Green Tea Leaves)

(Green Tea with Milk Thistle)

Support your kidneys further with green tea and milk thistle. Consume 250 to 500 mg of green tea extract daily, or make tea from the leaf itself. You can make the tea by letting the leaves steep in hot water for 5 to 10 minutes. Consume 80 to 160 mg of milk thistle extract two or three times per day. Or make a tea from milk thistle by crushing 1 tbsp. of seeds and letting them steep for 20 minutes.

Watermelon Cleanse

3-Day Watermelon Cleanse

(Watermelon Juice)

Upon rising:
6 ounces of ,watermelon juiced
½ lemon, juiced with the watermelon

Optional: add grated ginger, mix in blender. You can also juice the ginger and mix with watermelon juice.
To juice the watermelon. Place watermelon in blender. Blend well. Use a cheese cloth or nut milk bag to strain the watermelon. Mix lemon juice and watermelon together.

(Watermelon Smoothie)

Watermelon smoothie.

To prepare watermelon smoothie: Place 2 cups of watermelon in blender or Vitamix. Blend for 30 seconds or until watermelon is well mixed. Drink!

Optional: Add 2 tbsp. of chopped cilantro and blend along with the watermelon.

2-3 cups chopped watermelon.

To prepare watermelon smoothie: Place 2 cups of watermelon in blender or Vitamix. Blend for 30 seconds or until watermelon is well mixed. Drink!

(Watermelon Soup)

Watermelon Soup.

This isn’t really a “soup” per se, but something that can be mixed up and consumed as part of a watermelon fast.

4 cups watermelon, seeded and cubed
Juice of 1 lime
2 tbsp. fresh mint, chopped.
1 tbsp. fresh ginger, chopped or minced
1/8 tsp ground cardamom

Place 3 cups watermelon in food processor and blend until smoothie. Dice up the remaining 2 cups of watermelon into very small pieces and add to the puree. In a separate bowl, combine the lime juice, mint, ginger, and cardamom. Add this to the other mixture and stir well.

Apple Juice Cleanse

This is a three day cleanse in which you only drink water and fresh apple juice. You are allowed to drink one gallon each of apple juice and spring or purified water each day, either mixed together or separately.

Seven to ten days before beginning a kidney cleanse you should eliminate harmful foods and toxins such as alcohol, smoking, sugar, sodium, caffeine, wheat, dairy, fish, meat and eggs to prepare the body for a complete detoxification.

People who are diabetic or taking prescription medications should not attempt a kidney cleanse without first talking to their doctor.

Women who are pregnant should not do a juice kidney cleanse.

Do not drink grapefruit juice during a kidney cleanse fast.

A kidney cleanse with a juice fast should not be done more than once a month or it can deprive the body of essential nutrients.

Read more: http://www.mademan.com/mm/how-cleanse-kidney-natural-juices.html#ixzz2WzrDeFkM

Naturally Protect Your Kidney Against Stones, Malfunction, and Failure

    Many soft drinks contain both caffeine and sugar. The excess sugar both dehydrates the body and over stimulates the pancreas to release insulin which is stressful on your heart.


    Caffeine and alcohol are strong diuretics. For every cup of coffee or glass of beer, the body gives up three glasses of water—which means the body is perpetually dehydrated.
    People who regularly consume these beverages can never really quench their thirst because their bodies are always running out of water.

    Sweating helps to eliminate toxins through your skin and thus alleviates the load placed on your lungs, colon and kidneys.

    Uric acid kidney stones form when we consume excessive amounts of animal protein —especially red meat. If the kidneys don’t remove all the uric acid, it ends up in the areas of the body with the poorest circulation like the toes and the feet and gout crystals (uric acid) are formed.

    When you eat meat, cheese and all processed foods, you are eating acid-forming foods that throw off acid waste that accumulates in the kidneys. When you eat greens or green drinks, you alkalize the body and help cleanse acid waste accumulation.

    When you walk, run, jump on a mini-trampoline or ride a bike for 20 minutes every day, you help activate the lymph system which helps cleanse the body of toxins and reduces stress on the kidneys.

    Over the-counter painkillers must be broken down by the liver and kidneys. Both organs can become extremely taxed, fatigued and worn out by this constant detoxification process.

Herbs for a Natural Kidney Cleanse

Looking for a natural way to cleanse your kidneys? In addition to drinking plenty of water (which is important to do every day), here are some botanicals that are traditionally used for the occasional kidney cleanse:

[Uva Ursi (Bearberry)]

Uva Ursi is an astringent herb that can have an antiseptic effect on the kidneys, and as such has been used to address conditions such as urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) and cystitis (inflammation of the bladder).


 Horsetail is high in silica and is also an astringent. It is also a diuretic, which means it helps you produce more urine, flushing out infectious agents and irritants. The high silica content might also help restore damaged, irritated tissue in the urinary tract and help tone the bladder.


Parsley is a potent diuretic. It is believed to help rid the body of excess urea and other acidic metabolites. It is also highly nutritious.

(Nettle in bowl, Nettle Tea in Glass)

Nettle is packed with important vitamins and minerals including chlorophyll, beta carotene, vitamins A, B2, C and E, calcium, potassium, and iron. Like parsley, it is a powerful diuretic that is believed to rid the body of urea along with harmful bacteria.

If you’re interested in doing a kidney cleanse, talk to your health care professional about which of these or other botanicals might be good for you.

Obey nature’s urges

When you feel an initial need to visit the restrooms, don’t put it off.
Postponing urinating means the body starts to reabsorb some of the toxins which the kidneys have already filtered out. 

The Healthy Grilled Cheese Sandwich 
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Farenheit. Spray a cookie sheet with a little organic olive oil cooking spray. Using your favorite low-fat cheese and spelt bread, make a sandwich, put it on the cookie sheet, mist the top slice with organic olive oil cooking spray, and cook for 10 minutes.  Or try this in a panini maker.  Put on high setting. Brush olive oil on  top of each spelt bread.  Place low-fat cheese in between bread, place on panini maker and close.  Leave on for about 2-3 minutes.

Spelt Flour Cinnamon Roll 
4 ½ cups spelt flour
1 ½ cups warm water
1 tsp. sea salt
½ cup olive oil
1 tsp. Yeast
½ cup honey

Mix flour and sea salt together. Put yeast in very warm water to dissolve, then add honey and oil. Mix all ingredients together. Knead lightly. Let rise until double, roll out and spread melted butter on it. Sprinkle sugar over butter. I use fructose sugar, but you can use brown sugar or granulated sugar. Dust cinnamon over sugar. Roll up and cut in about one inch increments. Place cut rolls in baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Enjoy!

Sandwich with spelt bread. Layer sliced turkey, low-fat cheese and sliced vegetables on spelt bread and eat it for a healthy and filling midday meal. 

(Meijer Organics Spelt Bread)

Spelt has high water solubility, so nutrients are easily absorbed by the body making it easy to digest. It is high in protein (significantly higher than wheat), higher in B complex vitamins, and spelt is high in both simple and complex carbohydrates. These complex carbohydrates are an important factor in blood clotting and stimulating the body's immune system. Spelt is a suberb fiber resource. Spelt's nutty flavor doesn't just taste good, it has so many other nutritional benefits that are amazingly good for you! Keep reading to find out more about how spelt’s nutrients contribute to lower risk of cardiovascular (heart) disease, type II diabetes, and can lessen occurrences of migraine headaches. 

Spelt is more difficult to process than modern wheat varieties, making it a little more expensive to purchase. Spelt's husk protects it from pollutants and insects which allows growers to avoid using pesticides, unlike other grains. The husk needs to be mechanically separated from the kernal before milling (this is done after it is thrashed and harvested). The spelt is stored in good, low moisture conditions in order to protect the kernal, retain nutrients, and maintain freshness. Over decades, modern wheat has been drastically changed to be easier to grow and harvest. This in turn increases yields, maintains a high gluten content in the wheat to produce high-volume commercial baked goods. On the other hand, spelt has preserved many of its original traits and continues to remain highly nutritious and full of flavor. And spelt can make fantastic breads and delicious pastries.

Health Benefits Of Eating Spelt 

(Spelt grains)

How does it help? Spelt has the right combination of nutrients: Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Manganse, Niacin, Thiamin, and Copper.
  • Intake of spelt in sufficient quantity reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
  • Spelt contains niacin that protects the body against cardiovascular risk factors.
  • The niacin present in spelt reduces the level of cholesterol and lipoprotein. It may also inhibit free radicals from oxidizing LDL, which turns harmful to blood vessel walls after oxidation. Niacin also plays a significant role in reducing the aggregation of platelets.
  • Spelt contains rich amount of fiber, which can help reduce the LDL cholesterol levels. Fiber binds with bile acids and comes out from the body in the form of feces. Since bile acids are removed, cholesterol is reduced considerably.
  • Spelt is a rich source of magnesium, which is a co-factor for several body enzymes. It plays an integral role even in the enzymes that used in the secretion of glucose. As a result of this, spelt substantially lowers the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
  • Consuming spelt can help women prevent the formation of gallstones, owing to its rich content of insoluble fiber.
  • Spelt can reduce the risk of childhood asthma considerably.
  • The fiber present in spelt also has a protective action in women, against breast cancer.
  • Spelt is rich in a special type of phytonutrient, called plant lignans. Plant lignans are considered to be highly effective in providing protection against breast and hormone-dependent cancers and also heart diseases.
  • Eating spelt can help protect the body against conditions like ischemic stroke, insulin resistance, diabetes and obesity. 
  • Spelt has a Glycemic Index of 30, which is low and a huge health benefit. This kind of food produces only small fluctuations in our blood sugar levels, and reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes. It is a key to long term health and assists sustainable weight loss as you feel fuller for longer.
  • MIGRANE HEADACHES: Eating foods with Riboflavin (spelt is one of those foods) has been shown to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. Eating as little as two ounces of bread or other baked good made with whole grain spelt will provide 76.5% of your daily value (DV) for Riboflavin. 
  • TYPE II DIABETES: Spelt and other whole grains are a rich source of magnesium. Magnesium has been shown to lower your risk of type II Diabetes. Whole grains offer special benefits in promoting healthy blood sugar control. Daily consumption of low-fat dairy foods was also helpful, lowering risk of type 2 diabetes by 13%. Get the benefits of both spelt and dairy by enjoying a glass of low-fat milk with a sandwich made with spelt bread. 
  • BREAST CANCER: Fiber supplied by whole grains offered the most protection from breast cancer. Pre-menopausal women eating the most whole grain fiber (at least 13 g/day) had a 41% reduced risk of breast cancer, compared to those with the lowest whole grain fiber intake (4 g or less per day). 
(Cereal Mixture of Spelt)

The grain is so nutritious and so substantial that boiled spelt or spelt cereal was once used as a revitalizing meal for the sick or feeble. 

(Spelt Pasta)

Consumers who tend to be cynical about the value of amino acids in our bodies should check out a partial list of the tasks they assist with:

Reducing joint inflammation
Preventing hair, skin and nail disorders
Lowering cholesterol
Reducing liver fat
Protecting kidneys
Reducing bladder irritation
Stress and depression reduction
Relieving migraine headaches
Assisting the immune system
Reducing the risk of artery and heart spasms
Calcium absorption
Collagen formation
Antibody, hormone and enzyme production
Transmission of signals between the nerve cells and the brain
Maintaining alertness
Memory improvement
Digestive and intestinal tract functioning
Muscle coordination
Mental vigor
Manufacture of other essential biochemical components

Environmental Benefits
Spelt is a relatively low yielding crop so doesn’t take as much from the soil as more modern crops. It is therefore a more sustainable crop on a long term basis. Being low yielding it also thrives without the application of fertilizers even on relatively poor soils. Spelt is also very resistant to frosts and other extreme weather conditions and the grain’s exceptionally thick husk protects it from pollutants and insects. As spelt is a pure, original grain and not biologically modified in any way it is very resistant to the crop diseases that often plague modern crop varieties and grows quite successfully without the application of herbicides, pesticides or fungicides.

Spelt is stored with the husk intact so it remains fresher over a much longer period than other grains. It has been claimed that spelt’s hull is so strong that it can protect the grain from virtually every type of pollutant, even radioactive fallout.


High in Protein
Complete Protein: contains all the essential amino acids needed by the human body
High in Vitamins
High in Complex Carbohydrates
High in Fibre
Great Flavour
Easily Digested

(Spelt Bread)

Amino acids in spelt and the role they play in our health.

Amino acids are most often referred to as the ‘building blocks’ or chemical units that make up the protein in our bodies. These proteins are what build our muscles, tendons, organs, glands, nails, and hair. We need a steady supply of amino acids in order to grow, repair and maintain all the cells in our body.

Our bodies can produce 12 of the 20 amino acids. We call these the nonessential

Leucine, an amino acid plentiful in spelt, helps build muscle.

amino acids. The other 8 – referred to as ‘essential amino acids’ – have to come from our food. If we don’t get enough of even one of these essential amino acids from our food, the protein in our body starts to degrade.

Worse yet, our body doesn’t store excess amino acids for later use, the way it stores fat and starch. So we need to make sure we get them from our food, everyday.

Spelt contains a combination of both essential and nonessential amino acids. 

Four Essential Amino Acids:
Glutamic Acid, essential for memory and learning
Proline, essential for the production of collagen, which contributes to the structure of your tendons, bones, skin, membranes and other tissue
Leucine, which helps build muscle
Aspartic acid, essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system and hormone balance

Amino Acids mg/g fresh weight
                                                           Wheat               Spelt
Cystine                                              1.10                   1.35

Isoleucine                                         4.40                   5.60

Leucine                                             6.00                   9.00

Methionine                                       2.40                   4.00

Phenylalanine                                  5.00                   7.00

Threonine                                         5.50                   5.60

Lysine                                                2.90                   2.75

Tryptophane                                     1.20                   1.80
Valine                                                 4.20                   5.80

Source: biodistributors.com

Protein and Fiber

Garbanzo Beans, 6 grams of fiber

Wild Rice has twice the protein and fiber of brown rice.