
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Water Consumption

How much water should we drink a day?

The Institute of Medicine indicated in a report that the general recommendations for men are approximately 3.7 liters (125 ounces daily) of total water, and for women are approximately 2.7 liters (91 ounces) of total water from all beverages and foods each day.

(What five gallons of water look like)

Drinking a gallon (128 ounces) of water a day  is a "kidney water cleanse" and is usually enough the clean the kidneys, unless you have lower back pains from kidney stones. Kidney stones and gravel can be dissolved and expelled from the body using a "Watermelon Cleanse" or a "Herbal Kidney Cleanse."

How to Drink a Gallon of Water a Day to Lose Weight

Recent research suggests that a person who drinks a lot of water every day enjoys better digestion and may lose weight quickly. According to Dr. Brenda Davy, people who drink a couple glasses of water before a meal tend to eat up to 75 fewer calories at that particular sitting. Even though this amount might not seem impressive at first, Davy claims it can help you lose 10 pounds or more within a year.

Step 1
Drink two glasses of water right after you wake up. Make sure each glass holds approximately 8 ounces or water. An easy way to accomplish this is by filling a 16-ounce water bottle and placing it beside your bed each night so you always have easy access to water.

Step 2
Take one glass of water before you have breakfast. Then, during breakfast, drink an additional glass, which will help you digest your meal better and ensure that you start the day well hydrated.

Step 3
Enjoy three glasses of water in the period before lunch. If you exercise during this part of the day, drink additional water to replenish the reserves you expel through perspiration.

Step 4
Drink two glasses of water with lunch. If your lunch is protein- or fiber-heavy, drink one more glass of water to help digestion.

Step 5
Consume at least three glasses of fresh water in the period between lunch and dinner. Add a slice of lemon to give your drink a refreshing flavor. Don't add sugar, which reduces the effectiveness of the water.

Step 6
Wash down dinner with another two glasses of water. You should have consumed nearly a gallon of water by this time. It is important to drink the majority of your water before late evening to help reduce restroom stops during the night.

Step 7
Take one glass of water with a late-night snack. It is easy to confuse the feeling of thirst with hunger, but no matter how much you eat, only water will quench your thirst. Washing down a light snack with water will help you reduce late-night munching and facilitate digestion throughout the night.

(Coleman 1-Gallon Jug)

$6.88 @ Walmart

Tips and Warnings

Even if you are concerned about your weight, do not drink enormous amounts of water, which may lead to hyponatremia, a condition characterized by low levels of sodium in the blood. Symptoms include irritability, confusion and, in severe cases, coma.

The human body has a hard time differentiating between hunger and thirst. This means that people who don't drink enough water during the day often confuse thirst with hunger, and end up eating more at meals than they should.

1 comment:

  1. For anyone that do not know how many ounces in a gallon:
